It also reveals how Poggle worked with Krennic on the Project but then turned on him.

The Eclipse II was mostly identical to its predecessor save for a handful of visual changes, and fulfilled the same purpose. Manned with only a skeleton crew of droids and packed to the rim in explosives, this fleet was intended to ram into the Death Star and cause the mighty station to implode. After the battle, the StarSpeeder 3000 returned to its docking area with minor damage. The Death Star was the Empire’s ultimate weapon: a moon-sized space station with the ability to destroy an entire planet. Due to their betrayal, the Empire enacted revenge on the Griffons, conquering Mutanda, and assaulting and later destroying Cochran, leading to the total collapse of the Griffons Alliance. Security was extremely tight: no one outside the Council, other than Lemelisk and the other project coordinators, knew of the weapon's existence. Both the original and second Death Star were moon-sized and designed for massive power-projection capabilities, capable of destroying an entire planet with a 6.2x1032 J/s power output blast from their superlasers. Death Star IIIUnknown number of TIE fighters Valak himself was personally present aboard the Death Star along with key members of Imperial High Command and the Imperial Ruling Council. The initial stages of construction were rough five months into construction, several thousand of the enslaved laborers revolted and took control of the project headquarters, a space station orbiting Kiltor III, and began executing the project coordinators. The Death Stars and locations in them are cards in Decipher, Inc.'s and Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Customizable Card Game and Star Wars Trading Card Game, respectively. Various sources state that the first Death Star has a diameter of between 140 and 160 kilometers. In the Disney attraction Star Tours - The Adventures Continue, guests can travel inside an incomplete Death Star during one of the randomized ride sequences. C-3PO and R2-D2 were placed on temporary loan for the company while their owners in the Alliance of Free Planets fought against the Tofs during the Nagai–Tof War. In 6 ABY, Bacharan Valak was given control over the Council and the Imperial Military. Peña and Daniel Wallace - The Imperial Warlords: Despoilers of an Empire - revealed Death Star III's full origin as a distraction concocted by Ennix Devian. Its canonicity was later confirmed in Convenient Daily Departures: The History of Star Tours, an article written by James McFadden for the official blog on. Imperial hopefuls dreamed of a clear-cut answer to all their problems, eliminating all opposition and restoring order.